Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012


He thrusts his hand to help me stand up

“Hi c’mon” he stared at me

“Hmmm?” I looked at his hand.

Think about his hand that was an awful think I ever thought. Knowing that I can’t raise his hand is a bullshit silly thought. Feeling calm and warm when I’m touching his hand is the worst things I ever thinking about. It was successful to make me distracted.

Realize all eyes are staring at us, I’m doing stupid. Leave his hand. Stand up by myself. I will regret each small a part of this happens.  Time will not repeat even just a second on my silly life.

So, I decided to leave him and said “I can do it by myself”

He said “oh I think you can’t stand up by yourself because your weight… hmmm well yeah”

A bad sentence can be a good sentence when awkward moments come.  Being his best friend is the best way to make me still stand on his left and stare at him while I laugh on his joke, or being mad when he said something on my weight (he will say sorry anyway… sweet huh?)

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

A lot of stuff in my room

There are so many things in my room. Do you want to see? Okay here we go.

I love pink, but it doesn’t prove that all of my stuffs are coloring by pink. Not. Absolutely not. But yeah some of my stuffs are. Those are my lovely stuffs,: my phone, pencil case, blow bubbles, candies toy, “my room” accessories, stars that I made by myself, and the last is headset (the most important thing).

Say hello to big teddy :)

Another stuff I will show you later soon, well… thanks :) see ya!


"gue mau sama yang mau aja sama gue"
"nah sama dia aja!"
"ngga ah, gue takut jomplang sama dia.. lagian dia belom tentu mau sama gue"
"ampe dia mau sama lo?"
"ya mungkin gue mau..."
"jadi lo mau sama dia?"
"iya.. kenapa harus diulang-ulang sih?"

am i jealous?

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Papercraft ♥

             Hello dude! Kali ini gue mau ngebahas seperti yang udah ada di judul postingan gue. YAP!!! Papercraft. Siapa yang gatau papecraft? Gue yakin lo-lo pada pasti tau, kalo gatau silahkan kalian menanyakan ke sesepuh kita yaitu mbah google.

Papercraft  yang mau gue bahas kali ini yaitu papercraft yang bernama “Danbo” bagi yang gatau Danbo, tenang aja kawan karena dengan kalian membaca postingan gue kali ini pasti kalian tau apa itu danbo setelahnya HAHAHA *bangga*

Kata beberapa temen gue, Danbo itu papercraft yang mukanya selalu galau. Semua itu dikarenakan bentuk segita yg menjadi bibirnya membuat efek muka sedih setiap saat. Anyway guys, gue tertarik untuk membuatnya. Salah satu temen gue di kelas ada yang suka banget bikin papercraft dan ajaibnya papercraft bikinnan dia selalu rapih beda dengan bikinan gue…..*tragis*